KRA Intercepts Ivory Worth Millions at Mombasa Port

Publié le par Ricard Bruno

Alors que le secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon a appelé dimanche à davantage d'efforts internationaux pour faire cesser le commerce illégal d'espèces sauvages et pour sauvegarder les espèces animales comme les éléphants, les douanes kenyanes viennent d'opérer à la saisie d'un grand volume d'ivoire au port de Mombasa.

Article du site Kenya Live cliquez ICI ou :

~~Kenya Revenue Authority officials have intercepted a container containing Ivory estimated to be worth millions of shillings this morning at the Mombasa Sea Port barely a month after President Uhuru Kenyatta set ablaze 105 tonnes of Ivory at the Nairobi National Park. The ivory was intercepted at a Container Freight Station by custom officials on Tuesday morning and investigation and verification procedures are underway, involving a joint effort by KRA and KWS officials. An on-going initiative seeking to outlaw the sale of ivory worldwide is being undertaken in a bid to save the dying elephant population worldwide. On April 30th, President Uhuru Kenyatta led a group of conservationist who had traveled from different parts of the world to witness the president burn at least 105 tonnes of Elephant tusks that were estimated to have resulted in the death of 65,000 elephants.

KRA Intercepts Ivory Worth Millions at Mombasa Port
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